This is the continuation of a story started earlier. Summary of previous action in the story: Olivia has always been popular at school. One day, she was seated next to a kid who offered to help her. Not wanting to seem very friendly (she had her own friends!), Olivia refused. The girl, named Audrey, accepted her refusal as an answer and smiled. Olivia and her friends—Sandra, Brittany, and Lisa—started pranking Audrey after that day. They were not being mean, they reasoned. Just funny. On the day of Olivia’s thirteenth birthday, Audrey was invited with the rest of Olivia’s class. Olivia does not want her there.
For the entire part 1 of this story and more information on what happened, go to:
“Hey, Audrey!” my mom trilled as she saw the recipient of our pranks at the door. Continue reading