Month: December 2018

The Way of Life–Part 4

This is a continuation of a story started earlier. Lydia has always lived in the Establishment, where each action, word, and moment are exactly identical. Now she has an idea about leaving or changing the Establishment. She thinks it’s worth the risk of her life. Eager to discuss it with somebody, she breaks the rules and speaks with her Visiting Partner, Charlie. He is reluctant to admit that they need change but is willing to hear her plan. The next day, Lydia has already come up with the plan, readying herself for escape. She would go to the Head of the Establishment and through the Great Discard Chute, break the pane of glass which separated the Establishment from the world, and jump free. She shared it with Charlie, who refused to go with her. Lydia decided to go without him, and waited until night came.

Are you new to this story? Welcome! Make sure you catch up on the action by reading the last three parts, listed in order below.

The Way of Life

 The Way of Life Part 2

The Way of Life Part 3

When she was sure that the correct amount of time had passed to ensure that the Head of the Establishment was asleep, she crept out of her Person Cage. She considered bringing food, but she had eaten it all for that day. Besides, the Head of the Establishment was also where they stored all the food needed until the next import of supplies, and it would have plenty in case Lydia got hungry. She just carried the lightbulb, which lit the way in front of her.

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The Way of Life–Part 3

This is a continuation of a story started earlier. Lydia has always lived in the Establishment, where each action, word, and moment are exactly identical. Now she has an idea about leaving or changing the Establishment. She thinks it’s worth the risk of her life. Eager to discuss it with somebody, she breaks the rules and speaks with her Visiting Partner, Charlie. He is reluctant to admit that they need change but is willing to hear her plan. The next day, Lydia has already come up with the plan, readying herself for escape. Read part one of the story here: The Way of Life

Read part two of the story here: The Way of Life Part 2

The Visiting Period that next Earth Rotation was announced by the shrill ringing of the alarm. Lydia walked hurriedly to the Person Cage across from her, where she knew Charlie was waiting. She waved her hand over the door and Charlie let her in, even if he probably didn’t want to, because that was the law. “Greetings, Visiting Partner Lydia,” Charlie said.

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The Way of Life–Part 2

This is a continuation of a story started earlier. Lydia has always lived in the Establishment, where each action, word, and moment are exactly identical. Now she has an idea about leaving or changing the Establishment. She thinks it’s worth the risk of her life. Read part one of the story here: The Way of Life

The alarm went off. Visiting Period. Simultaneously, exactly half of the great circle of Person Cages lining the edge of the Establishment came alive. Everybody, Lydia included, walked out the door and to the Person Cage directly across from their own Person Cage by way of the great network of walkways intended for this purpose.


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The Way of Life

Lydia was hungry. She waited, because she knew that when she felt hungry, it was almost time to eat. There! The alarm went off everywhere around the enclosed glass Establishment. That was the signal to begin eating. Everywhere around her, people were bustling about, preparing their morning meal. Now Lydia prepared her food, too. She took a plastic-cased container from the Freezing Unit and placed in on the Food Platform. Seconds later, intense heat rays beamed down on the container. The plastic wrapping split down the center and fell away, like it was supposed to. Everything happened like it was supposed two. Ten seconds passed. Food Platforms everywhere stopped in unison with hers. She took the container and ate the contents at the Feeding Area of her Person Cage. All the food was in the form of small, round pellets. They were colorless and tasted the same with every bite, but they contained the nutrients she needed.


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