This is a continuation of a story started earlier. Lydia has always lived in the Establishment, where each action, word, and moment are exactly identical. Now she has an idea about leaving or changing the Establishment. She thinks it’s worth the risk of her life. Eager to discuss it with somebody, she breaks the rules and speaks with her Visiting Partner, Charlie. He is reluctant to admit that they need change but is willing to hear her plan. The next day, Lydia has already come up with the plan, readying herself for escape. Read part one of the story here: The Way of Life
Read part two of the story here: The Way of Life Part 2
The Visiting Period that next Earth Rotation was announced by the shrill ringing of the alarm. Lydia walked hurriedly to the Person Cage across from her, where she knew Charlie was waiting. She waved her hand over the door and Charlie let her in, even if he probably didn’t want to, because that was the law. “Greetings, Visiting Partner Lydia,” Charlie said.
Lydia was flustered. “I don’t have time for that! I want to talk about my plan with you!”
“Today I learned how to properly use my Toiletries Kit,” he continued.
“Charlie,” Lydia grabbed his shoulders and pointed him out the only window in his Cage. “Do you see that building in the middle of the Establishment where all the paths lead to?”
“Of course. It’s the Growing Facilities.”
“And what’s above that which can be reached by the Lifting Portal?”
“The Reform Facilities.”
“And what’s above the Reform Facilities which can be reached by one more stop on the Lifting Portal?”
“The Head of the Establishment. My turn for questions. What’s the point of this?”
“What’s in the Head of the Establishment?” Lydia pressed on. The Head of the Establishment was a Person who ran the whole Establishment. It had its own Person Cage, too, and ate and slept there–it just went up the building to work. This freedom of moving out of the Person Cage was only reserved for the Head, those in Growing or Reform Facilities or People who had to walk to their Visiting Partner.
“The office of the Head of the Establishment and the Great Discard Chute.” The Great Discard Chute was something which all the People had learned about during their time at the Learning Facilities. It consisted of a shining metal, rectangular kind of a tunnel, through which used clothes, food wrappings, and other used or not-needed items were regularly discarded throughout the day. From each Person Cage the items were transported to this Chute with the assistance of a vacuum system, then released though the wall of the Establishment and into somewhere unknown.
“Right!” Lydia yelped. “And the Head of the Establishment, and only he, has the right to walk through that chute to the only transparent window in the Establishment. The Head of the Establishment has this freedom to see the world. The real world. And nothing except a thin pane of glass separates him from it…” Lydia paused, waiting for his reaction.
“Are you suggesting that at night, while the Head of the Establishment is asleep in his own Person Cage, that we go out there on the Lifting Portal and break out of the Establishment?”
Lydia’s body tingled with excitement. “Yes!”
“I’m not doing it,” said Charlie flatly. The alarm went off, signaling the end of the Visiting Period. He pressed the button, and the door slammed shut inches from her face.
Right foot. Left foot. Lydia walked back to her own Person Cage in exact unison with hundreds—maybe thousands—of other People. But while everybody around her carried blank faces and even blanker thoughts, Lydia’s mind hummed with anger and plans and consolation.
“I don’t need to do everything with him,” she reasoned to herself. “Why don’t I just go and carry out the plan myself?” She pressed the button on her Person Cage and the door opened. She reached up and removed the wireless lightbulb from its attachment on the ceiling. The lightbulb collected electrons which were beamed to each Person Cage. It then gathered these electrons and used them to form light without any batteries or wires. The lightbulb, which was a smooth, round sphere of glass, glowed white in her palm.
When the alarm rang for the beginning of Night Preparations, she removed the Tooth Cleaning Wand from her toiletries bag and brushed her teeth. Then she changed into her Night Clothing. Everybody else in the entire Establishment was climbed into their Rest Area, by Lydia herself resisted the urge of the routine. Her Rest Area was made of foam and cushions and was scientifically designed to induce sleep. Lydia wanted to be wide awake tonight.
Read the final part of this story: The Way of Life Part 4
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